Character Profiles

FAMILY #1: The Harpers


Griffin (Christopher Johnson) Oldest brother. He is forced to take the leader position among the two families during their antics of survival.  Is naturally decisive and organized, but tends to be insensitive and rash if he is not careful. Struggles with Rene’s feistiness, the two have always had tension between each other. Constantly burdened with worrying over the safety of the others, can tend to be overly fearful for their sakes and must learn to lean on his Creator. 

Rene (Leah Oxendine) - Oldest and only sister in the Harper family. Another natural born leader, even though she is not the firstborn. Dominant, realist, and a bit too bossy sometimes. A dreamer, even though she conceals her idealistic notions with realism and pessimism. Struggling with trusting in God and understanding His plan, why everything is happening to them the way it is. Very much an introvert although she hides it. Logical and somewhat jaded. 

Ash(Will Oxendine) - Dare-devil who thinks he is an expert at guns and just about everything else. Energetic, witty, humorous, and a natural comedian. Even though he is a major extrovert, he oftentimes just likes to be out in the woods by himself shooting his BB gun.

Ethan (Luke Oxendine)- The baby of the family.

Mr. Lee Harper (Butch Oxendine) - The Harper kids’ dad.

Mrs. Ruth Harper (Kathy Oxendine) – The Harper kids’ mom.
FAMILY #2: The Langstons

WesleyQuiet, seemingly enigmatic to those around him.  Even his own siblings can’t figure him out. He usually portrays very little emotion. Very passive about things, but excellent tree-climber and camouflage artist. Has a somewhat-hardened/jaded approach to life. Actor age range: 14-17

Aimee– (Mikalia Flood) Clever and witty. Speaks her mind but doesn’t complain much. Total realist, always states the facts with certainty. Loves animals and hates to see the boys hunt them for food even though she realizes the necessity of it. Struggles with keeping Sam from driving everybody insane. Very mathematical and precise. 

Samantha Davis(Rachel Force) A major city girl. The Langstons’ cousin, had come to spend the night with them when the police raid occurred. A major extrovert. Dislikes Griffin immensely. Most of the time she is pretty grumpy and discontented in the film, and she is sort of the ‘bad girl’ of the group, always challenging and questioning Griffin, Rene, and anyone else who tries to take authority. 
Laine (Emma Flood) - A sweet-tempered, lively girl who loves animals. Many times, she is the sunshine to the camp when all the older kids are discouraged and dreary. She has her downtimes, too, of course. 

Mr. David LangstonLangston kids’ dad.

Mrs. Anne LangstonLangston kids’ mom.

Other Characters

Dominik Schaar A dark haired boy who initially stumbles across the Langston and Harper kids while they are in New Fern. He is tough, hard, jaded, angry and dark inside. Very dry, harsh and sardonic, even worse than Sam. His life has been immensely difficult and he had to witness the deaths of his parents at the hands of the government. Hates the government fervently and wants to fight back against them somehow. Has been living on his own since a very young age. Actor age range: 14-17    




Marlow Torrence – Foster dad 1# - An atheist.

Gloria Torrence– Foster mom 1# - Into eastern religion.


Willow TorrenceActor age range: 12-15. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Torrence.


Jamison Torrence  Actor age range: 6-8. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Torrence.




Louis Yager – Foster dad 2#


Cindy Yager – Foster mom 2#


Mink YagerActor age range: 14-17. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Yager.

Cedric YagerActor age range: 10-12. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Yager. 




Mitchell Grey – Foster dad #3 – A Christian ashamed of his faith. Is encouraged by the H’s/L’s to start taking a firm stand for Jesus.   

Eyva Grey –  Foster mom #3 – A Christian who worries about persecution, thus keeps her faith rather secretive. Is almost encouraged by the H’s/L’s to start taking a firm stand for Jesus, but drops it.




Mallory Greenlaw(Maygan Flood) Minor character that only enters the film once. An old friend of Rene’s who happens to collide with her and some of the little kids one day in the woods while the H’s/L’s are traveling to Lake Forest. A very energetic, bouncy, jovial girl, almost to the brink of being too much so. Actor age range: 16-20. 

Ivy Greenlaw– Sister of Mallory who also happens to be in the car with her and Cheris, when they merge paths with the H’s/L’s.As Mallory puts it, “The obnoxious little sister.” Actor age range: 10-13.

Cheris Wishart- Minor character that only enters the film once, is Mallory’s friend who happens to be in the car with her when they happen upon the H’s/L’s. Doesn’t say much, is highly skeptical of Rene and the kids. Actor age: 16-18. 


COP #1

COP #2

COP 3# who patrols Langston house in beginning of script

COP #4 who stops Rene and Aimee alongside road